Patients With Fever, Travel History, or Patients with Evidence of a Contact with COVID 19 Positive Person.
In context of the COVID 19 pandemic we kindly ask patients with fever, travel history in last 3 weeks or patients with evidence of a contact with COVID 19 positive tested person, to inform us about this condition via telephone or email.
In such case we need a confirmation about COVID PCR negativity first. We do nor require new COVID test from patients recovered from COVID pneumonia, who already tested PCR negative, but still might have antibody positivity in blood tests.
Measures Taken at the Clinic.
Patients with a positive PCR test can be treated in our clinic only with the appointment and only after the end of their mandatory isolation, which is determined by the state hygienist or the attending physician. Patient have to make an appointment by e-mail or telephone in advance.
Patients who have a respirator with an exhalation valve, must have it covered with a regular face-mask. Patients with a fever will be consulted by telephone.
In all patients coming to our clinic during the pandemic we require face mask covering the mouth and nose. You protect yourself and protect us as well. We also wear masks during your appointment and continually there are UV germicides working inside of the ambulance, as well as in the waiting room. They sterilise the room air non stop, we also provide disifection of the clinic and the waiting room.
Thank you.